While sitting here thinking of my friends in pain who are trapped into slavery thru the Corporations they work for via “workplace drug testing”…who are condemned to use ONLY narcotics via the pharmaceutical industrial complex via so called “pain clinic’s” and doctors who are trapped in the prescribing business AND the drug screening business, which is equal to drug trafficking via legal means,
I am wondering why,
just why not say NO!
*The Feds cannot force you to take a drug test for employment. They can and do force drug testing upon “pain patients” and parolees which is another issue of it’s own.
This is done by the Corporations themselves. Insurance Companies are involved as well of course the Corporations who make the “testing kits” and at the same time they are making “pass your drug test kits” which people run out and buy in order to succumb to the Industrial and Insurance related Complex.
Our Father’s and Grandfather’s went to war and lost their lives for our freedom by the thousands, and I could start a whole new issue on that subject alone, but I will save that for another day.
The question here is are we willing to consume less to have more freedom?
We can effectively turn the prohibition around and “prohibit” them from invading our privacy, and entering our property without a search warrant, (symbolically), just by refusing or saying NO to their test.
I have never passed a drug test for Cannabis/Marijuana.
I also have never failed one for any other non-prescribed drug.
Do not worry about passing your next drug test.
DO start looking for other ways and means of making an income such as working for small privately owned companies which are few and far between but do still exist. You can also sub-contract yourself, or work independently.
If you are lucky enough that you have already obtained a job and passed your drug test then just hope like hell you don’t get picked on too soon.
If you have not found a job yet, then DO NOT work for a company which is telling you that you must succumb to “random drug testing” or “pre-employment drug testing”.
This could effectively be a type of “civil disobedience” which is actually legal to do. Again, “just say no” to drug testing.
If EVERYONE followed this one rule, it would not take long for “drug testing” to disappear much like the “inspection stickers” for vehicles in the 1980’s did in Kentucky when everyone was so poor they could not afford to make their vehicles pass the test. Eventually they gave up and ended it. (Just imagine what would happen if all these people could not pay their electric bill for one month. It is true that you would not have electric for that period of time but it is also true that the electric company would not be getting near as much income for that period of time). Most people CAN survive without electric for a month. That has been proven by the people themselves who have suffered loss due to storms, etc.,
If you are unemployable you have a reason to file for disability. Not that you will be approved, but just think of the paperwork put upon the SSA if everyone that failed a drug test filed for disability. And then when they do not approve it, appeal the decision. You can keep them “dancing” for a while – just depends upon how far you want to take it.
If they DO NOT end the drug testing at that point it could cause even more black market businesses to appear just for the fact that they can’t fill the Industrial Complex with legal worker’s.
The Industrial Complex cannot afford to loose it’s slaves so therefore I do not think it would take too long to accomplish the goal of ending “drug testing” policies.
And just like everything else the poorest of the people will be the one’s affected the most in this decision and have to suffer the “worse” before it gets better.
BECAUSE, they do not drug test politicians nor doctors or lawyers….
I guess it comes down to the sad fact whether or not you want to have freedom and live on beans and soup, or be a slave and eat commercial hamburgers.
I do not want to suggest that everyone absent mindedly quit their jobs tomorrow with no plans on how to sustain themselves. However, making alternative plans for an income is always a good idea regardless.
This has been “something to think about” ,
*According to Henriksson, the anti-drug appeals of the Reagan administration "created an environment in which many employers felt compelled to implement drug testing programs because failure to do so might be perceived as condoning drug use. This fear was easily exploited by aggressive marketing and sales forces, who often overstated the value of testing and painted a bleak picture of the consequences of failing to use the drug testing product or service being offered."[36] On March 10, 1986, the Commission on Organized Crime asked all U.S. companies to test employees for drug use. By 1987, nearly 25% of the Fortune 500 companies used drug tests.[37]
**THC and its major (inactive) metabolite, THC-COOH, can be measured in blood, urine, hair, oral fluid or sweat using chromatographic techniques as part of a drug use testing program or a forensic investigation of a traffic or other criminal offense.[91] The concentrations obtained from such analyses can often be helpful in distinguishing active use from passive exposure, elapsed time since use, and extent or duration of use.
***Drug testing in order for potential recipients to receive welfare has become an increasingly controversial topic
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