Why I Do What I Do…
I can never remember the details. The "detail" section of my brain just does not work very well. I've had Major Clinical Depression with Chronic symptoms, Dysthymia, Chronic Anxiety as well. I also, among other things, had a "Cerebellar Vascular Accident (CVA) which is about the same as a ruptured aneurysm in 1998.
It does not matter though, because I can remember where to find the information that I want or need, when I need it! At the same time, the "philosophical" portion of my brain tends to work overtime. I spend a lot of my waking day on the internet, scanning for more and more information for which I know I will not remember the "details" of. Scanning the internet for anything or everything from conspiracy to political, socio-economics, healthcare and the conspiracy thereof, cannabis related medical issues and the conspiracy thereof, then back to the daily news and beyond.
I never had the opportunity to go to college, and I received my education in "Little's" such as our former President Abraham Lincoln, who, incidentally, was also from Kentucky. I read, and read and read some more and then ask "Why?" or "Why Not?", and then I search for more. I believe as George Carlin did when he said that "children should be taught to question". Question everything. Nothing should be taken for granted nor at face value.
In the 1990's my Father and I were discussing "Hemp" one day and he advised me that I should seek out Gatewood Galbraith and go see him. That "He" knew all about it. At that time I was busy raising kids and working and taking care of Mom and Dad on the weekends. Did not even have a computer!
I began about 2002 searching out "marijuana" information on the internet. My Dad had died in 2001 and three months prior to that had called me one day and asked me if I could find him "a little pot". As I was then ignorant of any kind of medicinal use of Marijuana, and he had COPD and Heart Disease. My only answer to him would be, "I'd love to Dad, but I'm afraid if you tried to smoke it at this point it could kill you." His lung capacity was near zero. At that time we knew nothing of the "healing oil". So about 2004 I was browsing one day and it came to my mind to search for "Medical Marijuana", which I did.
The rest is history. Once I found how to access the information nothing was going to stop me from trying to spread the message - through as many sites as I could possibly access. It suffices to say that in the last seven years or more I have learned a lot. The whole world has learned a lot. I have been through many changes in my life and am thankful for most of them. My only hope is that the World have a chance to recover itself before it is too late. Much of that depends upon how we choose to "FREE" this God given gift of Cannabis, and what is done with it once it is.
And then comes the "Human Issue"... I have seen so many abuses against humanity in general that I cannot ignore it. So therefore, I not only am an activist for anti-prohibition, but I have very strong feelings concerning other issues as well. Mountain Top Removal, and strip mining, coal ash and the illness and death as a result of, death penalty issues, prisoners rights issues, "DRUG WAR" Prisoners as well. Human trafficking and Slavery, Civil Rights, Human Rights, Bill of Rights, Constitutional Rights, the list could go on forever.
I am in no way qualified to be a politician, nor a lawyer, nor would I ever want to be. I do not want to be put into a position where I can no longer say what I feel is right, but must succumb to the "for the greater good of the people" clause which they use in order to be able to lie to us with a straight face.
And since there are so many differing opinions within any given movement of Activists, I feel I should be to try to be a citizen reporter and/or journalist. I can bring the news of the important issues which effect our lives to your laptop, and I may have an occasional opinion on a given subject, but basically I want to give you the information that you need in order to make up your own minds about what you think is right. After all, It's not about what I as a single being wish to have happen. It is about a Democracy which believes in the right of the people to decide for themselves who they want in office and how these laws are carried out. In the end, it is only YOU that can help save our Earth and bring it to peace by petition, voting rights, etc., After all, as Gatewood once said: There are only two ways to win a war. One is politically and the other to take it to the streets. I damn sure hope the streets isn't where we end up.... Peace and Prayers to You All! Sheree Krider
Homepage: http://www.shereekrider.com
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