As Gatewood Galbraith once said, "Our Father's and Grandfather's did not go to the beaches of Normandy so that their children could piss in a cup to get a job"...
Corporate "Drug Testing" aided by Pharmaceutical Companies who develop and produce these tests have taken our very right to be able to work away. So long as they are allowed to do this our country will never be truly free and we will have not won ANY war.
The drug testing laws have forced us to be liar's, cheater's and last but most important - unemployed.
There is virtually no "blue collar" job for which there is not drug testing.
Everyone already knows how unfair it is to the casual marijuana smoker as the cannabinoids remain in your body for an extended length of time - which in and of itself is a GOOD thing, but Corporate Fascist have condemed us to be "worthless", for corporate use...
Some smaller businesses may be ignorant of the fact that the "1988 Drug Free Workplace Act (DFWA)" DOES NOT require the majority of these businesses conduct drug testing. Other's are part of the corporate majority who will adhere to drug testing to try to lower their insurance premiums and "slap the hands" of anyone who would like to use marijuana either for personal or medical reasons. They do this in order to continue the "Elkhorn Manifesto" regime to keep cannabis out of the hands of those who would attempt to put an end to the oil based society which we now "enjoy".
It's all about where the profit is and how far they are willing to go to keep it.
The slaves were never set free. Everyone just became "equal" in color and was run off of their farms and into the Industrial Revolution.
The slaves are us. All of us.
Until we can get the drug testing laws eradicated we will continue on as slaves long after the "law" has been changed regarding the use of marijuana/cannabis.
It may not be in the government's best interest to keep paying for incarceration for use, but it IS in corporate America's best interest to keep the cannabis off the shelf.
Thats life in America...let the "private sector" handle it...
Drug-Free Workplaces do NOT have to test for marijuana (Updated) - November 21, 2012 by Russ Belville
Why Employers Drug Test
Obama Administration Pushes Drug Testing in Workplace, But Not For Everybody
WASHINGTON -- The government wants businesses to drug test their workers to boost productivity and reduce health care costs, according to the 2012 National Drug Control Report released Tuesday.
@ShereeKrider 7.1.13